The number of Ukrainians fleeing their homeland is increasing. Many of them do so in the company of their pets. While Belgian cities and municipalities offer the refugees the necessary help, the Prince Laurent Foundation takes care of the pets that travel with them. As more people find their way to the Foundation, it becomes a challenge to provide the necessary help as quickly as possible.

“Helping people through their animals” is the mission of the Prince Laurent Foundation. While the organisation of Prince Laurent, brother of Belgian King Philip, helped the victims and animals of the floods in Wallonia last summer, it is now assisting Ukrainian refugees and their pets. “More and more refugees and foster families find their way to our foundation,” says spokeswoman Patricia Rutten. “Every day we receive a wide range of questions by e-mail or telephone, not only about the compulsory rabies vaccination and regularisation, but also about urgent medical assistance and other animal-related questions.”

Those who travel to Belgium from Ukraine with their pets can contact the Prince Laurent Foundation for free curative care, food and pet supplies. Through the Foundation, pets can also get the mandatory rabies vaccination, because despite the many vaccinations of both pets and wild animals, Ukraine is not free of rabies.

“Through the page ‘My pet needs care’ on the website, everyone can consult our flyer. It contains all the relevant information to help people with pets on their way as quickly as possible. The flyer is not only available in Dutch and French, but also in English and Ukrainian.”

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